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The Best Way to Help Your Special Needs Child Enter Adulthood

The Best Way to Help Your Special Needs Child Enter Adulthood

There are practical and legal steps to take when planning for your child with special needs as they turn eighteen and become a legal adult. Begin well before their birthday to ease the transition and ensure they continue receiving their…

Children With Special Needs: Managing Their Money Over Their Lifetime

Children With Special Needs: Managing Their Money Over Their Lifetime

The estate planning of children with special needs presents a unique challenge. Optimizing your estate to use, enhance, and enrich assets for your special needs child while maintaining their enrollment in public benefits programs requires careful planning. An estate planning…

Avoid These Mistakes When Planning for a Disabled Family Member

Avoid These Mistakes When Planning for a Disabled Family Member

Did you know the largest single minority in this country are the 58 million Americans five years of age or older that are identified as special needs? The majority of federal and state benefits available to help persons with disabilities…

Planning for Disabled People to Live Their Best Lives

Planning for Disabled People to Live Their Best Lives

Enabling the Disabled Family funds can be carefully managed to fit the disability-benefit rules and still provide additional perks for the disabled person to enjoy. And, though the rules can be strict, disabled people are still permitted autonomy to own…

Tips for Special Needs Estate Planning

Tips for Special Needs Estate Planning

Many scientists regard the term special needs as a euphemism for disability. Yet, the difference between the two terms is primarily one of acceptance and preference as both terms describe the four major types of disability: physical, developmental, sensory impaired,…

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