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Dementia Directives for Hand Feeding and Hydration

Dementia Directives for Hand Feeding and Hydration

We have all witnessed friends and family members die slowly and dehumanizingly as a result of Alzheimer’s disease. In the final stages of this and other dementia diseases, there comes a time when your loved one can no longer speak,…

A Person Who Lives Alone Is at Greater Risk of Developing Dementia

A Person Who Lives Alone Is at Greater Risk of Developing Dementia

Increasingly, older Americans are aging in place. Nearly all older adults prefer to age in the comfort of their long-time homes and familiar community surroundings. Aging in place often means living alone. Pew Research findings show that older people are…

The Health Challenges Posed by Dementia Are Significant

The Health Challenges Posed by Dementia Are Significant

A person with dementia is diagnosed every three seconds somewhere in the world. Dementia is a catchall phrase that refers to many types of neurodegenerative diseases. Neurodegenerative diseases bring about the onset of dementia including but not limited to: Alzheimer’s…

Your Parent May Need More than Assisted Living

Your Parent May Need More than Assisted Living

Jerry’s mother Jane decided, on her own, that it was time to move into an assisted-living facility. Jane’s arthritis had worsened to the point where she couldn’t dress herself, she struggled to get in and out of the shower, and…

The Stresses of a Spouse Becoming The Main Caregiver

The Stresses of a Spouse Becoming The Main Caregiver

Becoming the main caregiver for a seriously ill spouse can trigger relationship challenges.  In the process of change, you can lose your best friend, your love, and your future as you both had imagined it. Promises will change from words…

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